
This page was generated from Batch_correction_in_expression_space.ipynb. Interactive online version: Colab badge.

Batch correction in expression space#

In this tutorial, we will train and evaluate a CPA model on the Immune_ALL_human.h5ad dataset from scib to perform batch correction, in gene expression space.

The following steps are going to be covered: 1. Setting up environment 2. Loading the dataset 3. Preprocessing the dataset 4. Creating a CPA model 5. Training the model 6. Latent space visualisation 7. Reconstructed gene expression space visualisation

[ ]:
import sys
#if branch is stable, will install via pypi, else will install from source
branch = "latest"
IN_COLAB = "google.colab" in sys.modules

if IN_COLAB and branch == "stable":
    !pip install cpa-tools
    !pip install scanpy
elif IN_COLAB and branch != "stable":
    !pip install --quiet --upgrade jsonschema
    !pip install git+
    !pip install scanpy
[ ]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
[ ]:
import os
# os.chdir('/home/mohsen/projects/cpa/')
# os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0'
[ ]:
import cpa
import scanpy as sc
import gdown
from anndata import AnnData
INFO:lightning_fabric.utilities.seed:Global seed set to 0
[ ]:

Loading dataset#

This dataset with h5ad extension used for saving/loading anndata objects is publicly available in the Google Drive and can be downloaded using gdown and then loaded using the function.

[ ]:
url = ''
output = 'pbmc.h5ad', output, quiet=False)
To: /content/pbmc.h5ad
100%|██████████| 2.06G/2.06G [00:08<00:00, 243MB/s]
[ ]:
adata ='pbmc.h5ad')

We are removing the Villani batch of the dataset since we want to work with the count data and this batch does not contain the counts.

[ ]:
adata = adata[~(adata.obs['batch'] == 'Villani')]
[ ]:
View of AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 32484 × 12303
    obs: 'batch', 'chemistry', 'data_type', 'dpt_pseudotime', 'final_annotation', 'mt_frac', 'n_counts', 'n_genes', 'sample_ID', 'size_factors', 'species', 'study', 'tissue'
    layers: 'counts'
[ ]:
10X               10727
Oetjen_U           3730
Freytag            3347
Oetjen_P           3265
Oetjen_A           2586
Sun_sample4_TC     2420
Sun_sample3_TB     2403
Sun_sample2_KC     2281
Sun_sample1_CS     1725
Name: batch, dtype: int64
[ ]:
CD4+ T cells                        11011
CD14+ Monocytes                      6338
CD20+ B cells                        2873
NKT cells                            2745
NK cells                             2294
CD8+ T cells                         2183
Erythrocytes                         1502
CD16+ Monocytes                       825
Monocyte-derived dendritic cells      478
HSPCs                                 473
Erythroid progenitors                 463
Monocyte progenitors                  428
Megakaryocyte progenitors             270
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells          265
CD10+ B cells                         207
Plasma cells                          129
Name: final_annotation, dtype: int64

Normalization & HVG selection#

We normalize the dataset and select the top 5000 highly variable genes from all the 12303 genes in the dataset.

[ ]:
[ ]:
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 32484 × 5000
    obs: 'batch', 'chemistry', 'data_type', 'dpt_pseudotime', 'final_annotation', 'mt_frac', 'n_counts', 'n_genes', 'sample_ID', 'size_factors', 'species', 'study', 'tissue'
    var: 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'highly_variable_nbatches', 'highly_variable_intersection'
    uns: 'log1p', 'hvg'
    layers: 'counts'
[ ]:
batch chemistry data_type dpt_pseudotime final_annotation mt_frac n_counts n_genes sample_ID size_factors species study tissue
AAACCTGCAGCGAACA-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD16+ Monocytes 0.047970 6379.0 1862.0 0 0.957719 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow
AAACCTGCATGTCCTC-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD4+ T cells 0.024928 4172.0 1082.0 0 0.425532 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow
AAACCTGGTCGACTGC-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD14+ Monocytes 0.051907 6608.0 1618.0 0 0.773111 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow
AAACCTGGTCGCTTCT-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD14+ Monocytes 0.041716 5034.0 1413.0 0 0.641188 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow
AAACCTGTCCCGACTT-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN NKT cells 0.043522 3998.0 1127.0 0 0.452426 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
TTTGTCAAGCTCCTTC-1-Sun_sample4_TC Sun_sample4_TC 10X UMI NaN CD14+ Monocytes 0.059215 3006.0 1111.0 3 0.825529 Human Sun PBMCs
TTTGTCAAGCTGAAAT-1-Sun_sample4_TC Sun_sample4_TC 10X UMI NaN CD14+ Monocytes 0.051119 5810.0 1723.0 3 1.584353 Human Sun PBMCs
TTTGTCATCATCATTC-1-Sun_sample4_TC Sun_sample4_TC 10X UMI NaN NK cells 0.038078 2705.0 1209.0 3 0.978014 Human Sun PBMCs
TTTGTCATCTCGCTTG-1-Sun_sample4_TC Sun_sample4_TC 10X UMI NaN NK cells 0.052873 2837.0 1045.0 3 0.793495 Human Sun PBMCs
TTTGTCATCTGTCTCG-1-Sun_sample4_TC Sun_sample4_TC 10X UMI NaN CD4+ T cells 0.019406 3504.0 915.0 3 0.677142 Human Sun PBMCs

32484 rows × 13 columns

[ ]:
           color=['batch', 'final_annotation'],

Cell type annotation#

We create a new column in adata.obs and copy the final_annotation column there, removing the + characters in the names. (+ is used for processing combinatorial perturbations in CPA)

[ ]:
adata.obs['cell_type'] = 'NaN'
for cell_type in adata.obs['final_annotation'].unique():
    adata.obs.loc[adata.obs['final_annotation'] == cell_type, 'cell_type'] = cell_type.replace('+', '')
[ ]:
batch chemistry data_type dpt_pseudotime final_annotation mt_frac n_counts n_genes sample_ID size_factors species study tissue cell_type
AAACCTGCAGCGAACA-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD16+ Monocytes 0.047970 6379.0 1862.0 0 0.957719 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow CD16 Monocytes
AAACCTGCATGTCCTC-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD4+ T cells 0.024928 4172.0 1082.0 0 0.425532 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow CD4 T cells
AAACCTGGTCGACTGC-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD14+ Monocytes 0.051907 6608.0 1618.0 0 0.773111 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow CD14 Monocytes
AAACCTGGTCGCTTCT-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN CD14+ Monocytes 0.041716 5034.0 1413.0 0 0.641188 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow CD14 Monocytes
AAACCTGTCCCGACTT-1-Oetjen_A Oetjen_A v2_10X UMI NaN NKT cells 0.043522 3998.0 1127.0 0 0.452426 Human Oetjen Bone_Marrow NKT cells

Next, we just replace adata.X with raw counts to be able to train CPA with Negative Binomial (NB) or Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) loss.

[ ]:
adata.X = adata.layers["counts"].copy()

Dataset setup#

Now is the time to setup the dataset for CPA to prepare the dataset for training. Just like scvi-tools models, you can call cpa.CPA.setup_anndata to setup your data. Although, we will use the setup_anndata arguments a bit different than our previous tutorials, since we arent’ dealing with a perturbation dataset here. We are dealing with batch effect of different sources and cell types. This function will accept the following arguments:

  • adata: AnnData object containing the data to be preprocessed

  • perturbation_key: The key in adata.obs that contains the perturbation information (In this notebook’s case, we provide batch as our perturbation)

  • control_group: The name of the control group in perturbation_key (In this notebook’s case, we provide one of the batch groups as our control group)

  • batch_key: The key in adata.obs that contains the batch information (We are not providing any batch key here)

  • dosage_key: The key in adata.obs that contains the dosage information

  • categorical_covariate_keys: A list of keys in adata.obs that contain categorical covariates

  • is_count_data: Whether the adata.X is count data or not

  • deg_uns_key: The key in adata.uns that contains the differential expression results

  • deg_uns_cat_key: The key in adata.obs that contains the category information of each cell which can be used as to access differential expression results in adata.uns[deg_uns_key]. For example, if deg_uns_key is rank_genes_groups_cov and deg_uns_cat_key is cov_cond, then adata.uns[deg_uns_key][cov_cond] will contain the differential expression results for each category in cov_cond.

  • max_comb_len: The maximum number of perturbations that are applied to each cell. For example, if max_comb_len is 2, then the model will be trained to predict the effect of single perturbations and the effect of double perturbations.

Further explanation:#

We will use the function custom_predict later in this notebook, which accepts customized covariate keys as input, and will return a customized reconstructed gene expression, containing just the covariates you specified to you. For example, we could have multiple keys in categorical_covariate_keys here, and only add the cell_type effect to the gene expression reconstruction process.

[ ]:
Warning: dosage_key is not set. Setting it to "1.0" for all cells
100%|██████████| 32484/32484 [00:00<00:00, 81224.21it/s]
100%|██████████| 32484/32484 [00:00<00:00, 842559.51it/s]
INFO     Generating sequential column names
INFO     Generating sequential column names
[ ]:
model_params = {
    "n_latent": 64,
    "recon_loss": "nb",
    "doser_type": "linear",
    "n_hidden_encoder": 128,
    "n_layers_encoder": 2,
    "n_hidden_decoder": 512,
    "n_layers_decoder": 2,
    "use_batch_norm_encoder": True,
    "use_layer_norm_encoder": False,
    "use_batch_norm_decoder": False,
    "use_layer_norm_decoder": True,
    "dropout_rate_encoder": 0.0,
    "dropout_rate_decoder": 0.1,
    "variational": False,
    "seed": 6977,

trainer_params = {
    "n_epochs_kl_warmup": None,
    "n_epochs_pretrain_ae": 30,
    "n_epochs_adv_warmup": 50,
    "n_epochs_mixup_warmup": 0,
    "mixup_alpha": 0.0,
    "adv_steps": None,
    "n_hidden_adv": 64,
    "n_layers_adv": 3,
    "use_batch_norm_adv": True,
    "use_layer_norm_adv": False,
    "dropout_rate_adv": 0.3,
    "reg_adv": 20.0,
    "pen_adv": 5.0,
    "lr": 0.0003,
    "wd": 4e-07,
    "adv_lr": 0.0003,
    "adv_wd": 4e-07,
    "adv_loss": "cce",
    "doser_lr": 0.0003,
    "doser_wd": 4e-07,
    "do_clip_grad": True,
    "gradient_clip_value": 1.0,
    "step_size_lr": 10,

CPA Model#

You can create a CPA model by creating an object from cpa.CPA class. The constructor of this class takes the following arguments: Data related parameters: - adata: AnnData object containing train/valid/test data - Optional: - split_key: The key in adata.obs that contains the split information - train_split: The value in split_key that corresponds to the training data - valid_split: The value in split_key that corresponds to the validation data - test_split: The value in split_key that corresponds to the test data

Model architecture parameters: - n_latent: Number of latent dimensions - recon_loss: Reconstruction loss function. Currently, Supported losses are nb, zinb, and gauss. - n_hidden_encoder: Number of hidden units in the encoder - n_layers_encoder: Number of layers in the encoder - n_hidden_decoder: Number of hidden units in the decoder - n_layers_decoder: Number of layers in the decoder - use_batch_norm_encoder: Whether to use batch normalization in the encoder - use_layer_norm_encoder: Whether to use layer normalization in the encoder - use_batch_norm_decoder: Whether to use batch normalization in the decoder - use_layer_norm_decoder: Whether to use layer normalization in the decoder - dropout_rate_encoder: Dropout rate in the encoder - dropout_rate_decoder: Dropout rate in the decoder - variational: Whether to use variational inference. NOTE: False is highly recommended. - seed: Random seed

[ ]:
model = cpa.CPA(adata=adata,
INFO:lightning_fabric.utilities.seed:Global seed set to 6977

Training CPA#

In order to train your CPA model, you need to use train function of your model. This function accepts the following parameters: - max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to train the model. CPA generally converges after high number of epochs, so you can set this to a high value. - use_gpu: If you have a GPU, you can set this to True to speed up the training process. - batch_size: Batch size for training. You can set this to a high value (e.g. 512, 1024, 2048) if you have a GPU. - plan_kwargs: dictionary of parameters passed the CPA’s TrainingPlan. You can set the following parameters: * n_epochs_adv_warmup: Number of epochs to linearly increase the weight of adversarial loss. * n_epochs_mixup_warmup: Number of epochs to linearly increase the weight of mixup loss. * n_epochs_pretrain_ae: Number of epochs to pretrain the autoencoder. * lr: Learning rate for training autoencoder. * wd: Weight decay for training autoencoder. * adv_lr: Learning rate for training adversary. * adv_wd: Weight decay for training adversary. * adv_steps: Number of steps to train adversary for each step of autoencoder. * reg_adv: Maximum Weight of adversarial loss. * pen_adv: Penalty weight of adversarial loss. * n_layers_adv: Number of layers in adversary. * n_hidden_adv: Number of hidden units in adversary. * use_batch_norm_adv: Whether to use batch normalization in adversary. * use_layer_norm_adv: Whether to use layer normalization in adversary. * dropout_rate_adv: Dropout rate in adversary. * step_size_lr: Step size for learning rate scheduler. * do_clip_grad: Whether to clip gradients by norm. * clip_grad_value: Maximum value of gradient norm. * adv_loss: Type of adversarial loss. Can be either cce for Cross Entropy loss or focal for Focal loss. * n_epochs_verbose: Number of epochs to print latent information disentanglement evaluation. - early_stopping_patience: Number of epochs to wait before stopping training if validation metric does not improve. - check_val_every_n_epoch: Number of epochs to wait before running validation. - save_path: Path to save the best model after training.

[ ]:
100%|██████████| 9/9 [00:00<00:00, 221.48it/s]
INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
INFO:pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero:HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
INFO:pytorch_lightning.accelerators.cuda:LOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0]
Epoch 5/2000:   0%|          | 4/2000 [00:45<5:58:50, 10.79s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.51e+3, r2_mean=0.864, adv_loss=2.62, acc_pert=0.368, acc_cell_type=0.742]
Epoch 00004: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 10/2000:   0%|          | 9/2000 [01:37<5:44:12, 10.37s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.48e+3, r2_mean=0.878, adv_loss=1.93, acc_pert=0.487, acc_cell_type=0.82, val_recon=1.51e+3, disnt_basal=0.568, disnt_after=0.955, val_r2_mean=0.869, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00009: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.5448514444994996
disnt_after = 0.9445390274801598
val_r2_mean = 0.8720472641229867
val_r2_var = 0.09845181248106927
Epoch 15/2000:   1%|          | 14/2000 [02:29<5:41:36, 10.32s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.47e+3, r2_mean=0.881, adv_loss=1.75, acc_pert=0.518, acc_cell_type=0.843, val_recon=1.49e+3, disnt_basal=0.545, disnt_after=0.945, val_r2_mean=0.872, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00014: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 20/2000:   1%|          | 19/2000 [03:22<5:40:50, 10.32s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.46e+3, r2_mean=0.884, adv_loss=1.67, acc_pert=0.544, acc_cell_type=0.852, val_recon=1.48e+3, disnt_basal=0.532, disnt_after=0.947, val_r2_mean=0.876, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00019: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.5205889237841945
disnt_after = 0.9460166770555568
val_r2_mean = 0.8740344239683918
val_r2_var = 0.1307928459024178
Epoch 25/2000:   1%|          | 24/2000 [04:14<5:37:47, 10.26s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.45e+3, r2_mean=0.886, adv_loss=1.64, acc_pert=0.55, acc_cell_type=0.853, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.521, disnt_after=0.946, val_r2_mean=0.874, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00024: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 30/2000:   1%|▏         | 29/2000 [05:05<5:35:18, 10.21s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.44e+3, r2_mean=0.886, adv_loss=1.63, acc_pert=0.553, acc_cell_type=0.855, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.512, disnt_after=0.947, val_r2_mean=0.873, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00029: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.5076468764706341
disnt_after = 0.9466299326623039
val_r2_mean = 0.8651580931837479
val_r2_var = 0.15397703331526572
Epoch 35/2000:   2%|▏         | 34/2000 [05:58<5:41:25, 10.42s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.43e+3, r2_mean=0.888, adv_loss=2.59, acc_pert=0.291, acc_cell_type=0.816, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.508, disnt_after=0.947, val_r2_mean=0.865, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00034: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 40/2000:   2%|▏         | 39/2000 [06:51<5:42:29, 10.48s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.43e+3, r2_mean=0.887, adv_loss=4.44, acc_pert=0.162, acc_cell_type=0.32, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.435, disnt_after=0.944, val_r2_mean=0.869, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00039: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.3046657369884609
disnt_after = 0.9722530237624999
val_r2_mean = 0.869348135356906
val_r2_var = 0.13758454873804646
Epoch 45/2000:   2%|▏         | 44/2000 [07:44<5:43:36, 10.54s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.42e+3, r2_mean=0.887, adv_loss=4.18, acc_pert=0.144, acc_cell_type=0.339, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.305, disnt_after=0.972, val_r2_mean=0.869, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00044: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 50/2000:   2%|▏         | 49/2000 [08:37<5:40:52, 10.48s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.42e+3, r2_mean=0.888, adv_loss=4.23, acc_pert=0.134, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.255, disnt_after=0.972, val_r2_mean=0.87, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00049: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.2375361001703719
disnt_after = 0.9755449343449495
val_r2_mean = 0.8706448694833104
val_r2_var = 0.13681865594511702
Epoch 55/2000:   3%|▎         | 54/2000 [09:30<5:39:18, 10.46s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.41e+3, r2_mean=0.889, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.14, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.238, disnt_after=0.976, val_r2_mean=0.871, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00054: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 60/2000:   3%|▎         | 59/2000 [10:24<5:40:28, 10.52s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.4e+3, r2_mean=0.888, adv_loss=4.26, acc_pert=0.129, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.22, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.865, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00059: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.21553702792509893
disnt_after = 0.9755623916861279
val_r2_mean = 0.8670250636674555
val_r2_var = 0.13975838296138948
Epoch 65/2000:   3%|▎         | 64/2000 [11:17<5:39:27, 10.52s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.4e+3, r2_mean=0.89, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.127, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.216, disnt_after=0.976, val_r2_mean=0.867, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00064: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 70/2000:   3%|▎         | 69/2000 [12:10<5:36:58, 10.47s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.39e+3, r2_mean=0.89, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.125, acc_cell_type=0.34, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.211, disnt_after=0.977, val_r2_mean=0.868, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.2084672843265242
disnt_after = 0.9739758383024988
val_r2_mean = 0.8676861214678137
val_r2_var = 0.13804587045675404
Epoch 75/2000:   4%|▎         | 74/2000 [13:03<5:34:26, 10.42s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.39e+3, r2_mean=0.892, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.124, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.208, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.868, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00074: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 80/2000:   4%|▍         | 79/2000 [13:56<5:35:08, 10.47s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.39e+3, r2_mean=0.89, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.122, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.207, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.868, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.20866478889040183
disnt_after = 0.9768478580883292
val_r2_mean = 0.8662142774381086
val_r2_var = 0.14127867269839967
Epoch 85/2000:   4%|▍         | 84/2000 [14:49<5:34:56, 10.49s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.38e+3, r2_mean=0.891, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.121, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.209, disnt_after=0.977, val_r2_mean=0.866, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00084: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 90/2000:   4%|▍         | 89/2000 [15:42<5:32:36, 10.44s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.38e+3, r2_mean=0.891, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.123, acc_cell_type=0.338, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.203, disnt_after=0.977, val_r2_mean=0.868, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00089: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.1993702259993765
disnt_after = 0.9733417191679165
val_r2_mean = 0.8647374988082042
val_r2_var = 0.14449807734640396
Epoch 95/2000:   5%|▍         | 94/2000 [16:35<5:31:38, 10.44s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.37e+3, r2_mean=0.893, adv_loss=4.27, acc_pert=0.126, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.199, disnt_after=0.973, val_r2_mean=0.865, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00094: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 100/2000:   5%|▍         | 99/2000 [17:27<5:28:59, 10.38s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.37e+3, r2_mean=0.892, adv_loss=4.26, acc_pert=0.132, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.201, disnt_after=0.976, val_r2_mean=0.864, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.20001312060601423
disnt_after = 0.9742098666068058
val_r2_mean = 0.8638746776485495
val_r2_var = 0.14524318851054388
Epoch 105/2000:   5%|▌         | 104/2000 [18:20<5:29:23, 10.42s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.36e+3, r2_mean=0.893, adv_loss=4.26, acc_pert=0.126, acc_cell_type=0.34, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.2, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.864, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00104: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 110/2000:   5%|▌         | 109/2000 [19:13<5:29:25, 10.45s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.36e+3, r2_mean=0.895, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.127, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.198, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.865, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00109: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.19625689866298165
disnt_after = 0.9756935412066419
val_r2_mean = 0.865244704455907
val_r2_var = 0.14554889155115994
Epoch 120/2000:   6%|▌         | 119/2000 [20:59<5:27:33, 10.45s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.36e+3, r2_mean=0.894, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.135, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.197, disnt_after=0.976, val_r2_mean=0.865, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.19492465288804825
disnt_after = 0.9739763185283543
val_r2_mean = 0.8640360988883471
val_r2_var = 0.1449822902385305
Epoch 125/2000:   6%|▌         | 124/2000 [21:51<5:25:46, 10.42s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.35e+3, r2_mean=0.894, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.132, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.195, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.864, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00124: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 130/2000:   6%|▋         | 129/2000 [22:44<5:25:19, 10.43s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.35e+3, r2_mean=0.894, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.133, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.193, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.866, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.19412101922400948
disnt_after = 0.9742961476812232
val_r2_mean = 0.8616686939069214
val_r2_var = 0.14811435084740165
Epoch 140/2000:   7%|▋         | 139/2000 [24:32<5:26:35, 10.53s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.34e+3, r2_mean=0.893, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.138, acc_cell_type=0.343, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.192, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.865, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.19588380671008282
disnt_after = 0.9715736748335113
val_r2_mean = 0.8644040614526485
val_r2_var = 0.14778422549205242
Epoch 150/2000:   7%|▋         | 149/2000 [26:19<5:26:09, 10.57s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.34e+3, r2_mean=0.893, adv_loss=4.25, acc_pert=0.14, acc_cell_type=0.343, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.194, disnt_after=0.975, val_r2_mean=0.862, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00149: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.18993152592509335
disnt_after = 0.9725659938460953
val_r2_mean = 0.8632550071111121
val_r2_var = 0.14692161657002828
Epoch 155/2000:   8%|▊         | 154/2000 [27:12<5:25:34, 10.58s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.34e+3, r2_mean=0.894, adv_loss=4.24, acc_pert=0.137, acc_cell_type=0.34, val_recon=1.46e+3, disnt_basal=0.19, disnt_after=0.973, val_r2_mean=0.863, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00154: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 160/2000:   8%|▊         | 159/2000 [28:05<5:22:37, 10.51s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.34e+3, r2_mean=0.895, adv_loss=4.24, acc_pert=0.137, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.19, disnt_after=0.972, val_r2_mean=0.863, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.19149569085339685
disnt_after = 0.9712946793693985
val_r2_mean = 0.8621539782032516
val_r2_var = 0.14774785195887838
Epoch 170/2000:   8%|▊         | 169/2000 [29:52<5:20:37, 10.51s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.33e+3, r2_mean=0.894, adv_loss=4.23, acc_pert=0.14, acc_cell_type=0.343, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.188, disnt_after=0.97, val_r2_mean=0.864, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.19083305336285936
disnt_after = 0.9701256588429791
val_r2_mean = 0.8638972209972612
val_r2_var = 0.145721983120096
Epoch 180/2000:   9%|▉         | 179/2000 [31:39<5:19:49, 10.54s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.33e+3, r2_mean=0.894, adv_loss=4.24, acc_pert=0.139, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.19, disnt_after=0.971, val_r2_mean=0.863, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00179: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.18974742903708766
disnt_after = 0.972303123090329
val_r2_mean = 0.8639202541450055
val_r2_var = 0.14711585542777567
Epoch 185/2000:   9%|▉         | 184/2000 [32:32<5:17:49, 10.50s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.33e+3, r2_mean=0.895, adv_loss=4.23, acc_pert=0.139, acc_cell_type=0.343, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.19, disnt_after=0.972, val_r2_mean=0.864, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00184: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.
Epoch 190/2000:   9%|▉         | 189/2000 [33:25<5:15:52, 10.47s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.32e+3, r2_mean=0.895, adv_loss=4.24, acc_pert=0.142, acc_cell_type=0.341, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.188, disnt_after=0.974, val_r2_mean=0.862, val_KL=nan]
Epoch 00189: cpa_metric reached. Module best state updated.

disnt_basal = 0.18642140030367155
disnt_after = 0.9725807425562701
val_r2_mean = 0.8625523437648852
val_r2_var = 0.14924209534003127
Epoch 200/2000:  10%|▉         | 199/2000 [35:11<5:12:59, 10.43s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.32e+3, r2_mean=0.895, adv_loss=4.23, acc_pert=0.134, acc_cell_type=0.342, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.188, disnt_after=0.971, val_r2_mean=0.863, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.1875488074250268
disnt_after = 0.9708676739093677
val_r2_mean = 0.8638683565428585
val_r2_var = 0.1481757655410596
Epoch 210/2000:  10%|█         | 209/2000 [36:58<5:14:35, 10.54s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.32e+3, r2_mean=0.896, adv_loss=4.23, acc_pert=0.138, acc_cell_type=0.344, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.187, disnt_after=0.971, val_r2_mean=0.862, val_KL=nan]
disnt_basal = 0.18732250878038184
disnt_after = 0.97106076903915
val_r2_mean = 0.8627997914116401
val_r2_var = 0.14641333093030975
Epoch 215/2000:  11%|█         | 215/2000 [38:03<5:15:55, 10.62s/it, v_num=1, recon=1.32e+3, r2_mean=0.896, adv_loss=4.23, acc_pert=0.142, acc_cell_type=0.344, val_recon=1.47e+3, disnt_basal=0.186, disnt_after=0.97, val_r2_mean=0.861, val_KL=nan]
[ ]:

Restore best model#

In case you have already saved your pretrained model, you can restore it using the following code. The cpa.CPA.load function accepts the following arguments: - dir_path: path to the directory where the model is saved - adata: anndata object - use_gpu: whether to use GPU or not

[ ]:
# model = cpa.CPA.load(dir_path='pbmc/',
#                      adata=adata,
#                      use_gpu=True)

Latent and gene expression prediction#


Predicts the output of the model on the given input data.

    covars_to_add (Optional[Sequence[str]]): List of covariates to add to the basal latent representation.
    basal (bool): Whether to use just the basal latent representation. If True, `add_batch` and `add_pert` are ignored.
    add_batch (bool): Whether to add the batch covariate to the latent representation.
    add_pert (bool): Whether to add the perturbation covariate to the latent representation.
    adata (Optional[AnnData]): The input data to predict on.
    indices (Optional[Sequence[int]]): The indices of the cells to predict on.
    batch_size (Optional[int]): The batch size to use for prediction.
    n_samples (int): The number of samples to use for stochastic prediction.
    return_mean (bool): Whether to return the mean of the samples or all the samples.

    latent_outputs (AnnData): A dictionary of AnnData objects containing the predicted gene expression for the specified
    covariates, and latent representations for different covariate combinations.
  • Keep in mind that here, our perturbation_key is actually our batch, and therefore, when we specify add_pert=False, we are removing the batch effect from our prediction.

  • We did not specify any key as the batch_key in our setup_anndata, therefore add_batch being True or False makes no difference.

[ ]:
# Predict using cell_type embeddings, removing the batch embeddings (batch corrected)
output_no_batch = model.custom_predict(adata=adata,

# Predict using cell_type and batch embeddings (reconstruct the original gene expressions containing batch effect)
output_batch = model.custom_predict(adata=adata,

# Reconstruct only the basal latents, ignoring both batch and cell types (basically just noise)
output_basal = model.custom_predict(adata=adata,
100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:02<00:00,  7.57it/s]
100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:02<00:00,  7.62it/s]
100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:02<00:00,  7.50it/s]
  • If we had more than 1 covariate, we could specify just the ones we wanted to affect our gene expression reconstruction in covars_to_add argument.

custom_predict returns a dictionary of the following AnnData objects:#

  • latent_x_pred: Gene Expression Reconstruction Prediction (with respect to specified arguments in custom_predict)

  • latent_z: Latent –> z_basal + z_pert + z_covs

  • latent_z_corrected: Latent –> z_basal + z_pert + z_covs_without_batch

  • latent_z_no_pert: Latent –> z_basal + z_covs

  • latent_z_no_pert_corrected: Latent –> z_basal + z_covs_without_batch

  • latent_z_basal: Latent –> z_basal

[ ]:
dict_keys(['latent_x_pred', 'latent_z', 'latent_z_corrected', 'latent_z_no_pert', 'latent_z_no_pert_corrected', 'latent_z_basal'])


We first visualize latent vectors of cells:#

[ ]:
# @title latent: basal + cell_type + batch
ad = output_batch['latent_z']
        color=['batch', 'cell_type'],
WARNING: You’re trying to run this on 64 dimensions of `.X`, if you really want this, set `use_rep='X'`.
         Falling back to preprocessing with `sc.pp.pca` and default params.
[ ]:
#@title latent: basal + cell_type
ad = output_batch['latent_z_no_pert']
        color=['batch', 'cell_type'],
WARNING: You’re trying to run this on 64 dimensions of `.X`, if you really want this, set `use_rep='X'`.
         Falling back to preprocessing with `sc.pp.pca` and default params.
[ ]:
#@title latent: basal
ad = output_batch['latent_z_basal']

        color=['batch', 'cell_type'],
WARNING: You’re trying to run this on 64 dimensions of `.X`, if you really want this, set `use_rep='X'`.
         Falling back to preprocessing with `sc.pp.pca` and default params.

Most Important –> Now we visualize reconstructed gene expressions using UMAP in different conditions:#

[ ]:
#@title Gene Expression Reconstruction: basal + cell_type + batch (contains batch effect)
ad = output_batch['latent_x_pred']


        color=['batch', 'cell_type'],
WARNING: You’re trying to run this on 5000 dimensions of `.X`, if you really want this, set `use_rep='X'`.
         Falling back to preprocessing with `sc.pp.pca` and default params.
[ ]:
#@title Gene Expression Reconstruction: basal + cell_type (batch effect removed)
ad = output_no_batch['latent_x_pred']


        color=['batch', 'cell_type'],
WARNING: You’re trying to run this on 5000 dimensions of `.X`, if you really want this, set `use_rep='X'`.
         Falling back to preprocessing with `sc.pp.pca` and default params.

As you can see, we have succesfully reconstructed the gene expression space, removing the batch effect using CPA. We can now use the batch effect removed reconstructed gene expressions for further analysis in our work.